Monday, October 6, 2008


Chad did it!! He is the first college graduate in his family and we couldn't be more proud. What a smarty pants he is. All of his hard work and late nights over the past couple of years paid off and gave us a reason to celebrate.

My parents came from out of town to Provo so they could join in the graduation festivities, plus we needed all the help we could get packing up our apartment for the big move across country (Especially since Chad decided to dislocate his shoulder right before graduation)

It's a Dehner tradition to eat in the Tree Room up at Sundance when someone graduates, so we spent a relaxing evening dinning just the four of us before the crazy days ahead.

1 comment:

Kurt & Shawn said...

We sure had a fun time at the graduation. Sundance is always a great place to celebrate and celebrate we did. Way to go you two. We are so excited to have you here in THEE OHIO. I know there will be friends to be had here so keep your eyes and hearts open!!!!